Most Marketing Agencies Lie! Businesses Don’t Need a Minimum Ad Budget of $2500+/Month To Get Results...
Make Facebook Advertising Work for You by Driving Traffic and Conversions For as Low as $1 Per Day!
If you've been in the digital space for at least a few weeks, you probably know how frustrating it can be to find an affordable and effective way to advertise.
There's too much misinformation going around, and agencies use this to their advantage, charging businesses crazy amounts for simple campaigns.
But their management fee is not the issue here, it's the requirements they put on ad budgets.
Don't have $2500 to invest in Facebook from the get-go? Then move along… because there’s no way to achieve your goals. Or so they say…
That’s what they want you to believe because that’s what they know, and that’s what brings revenue to their agencies.
So if you're a small business owner trying to get clients online, you're put in a tough spot.
Either pay thousands to an agency to run ads that are high-risk (because you're investing a lot at once)...
Or, try running ads yourself. This means taking time to learn a new skill and then putting yourself at risk again, investing in something you've never done before.
So what then?
Well, there's a different approach you can take. I spoke about this many times, at conferences all around the world.
This approach is a way of advertising with low risks and high rewards.
I call it Facebook for a Dollar a Day, or FDD
And the best part about it is that you don't need to be an advanced Facebook Expert to start using it.
In fact, you can be a total beginner with close to zero tech experience and still get it done.
It’s so easy because we’re doing it through what my team and I like to call the digital marketer’s “easy button” → Boosting.
Whether you’re a musician, a non-profit, a Fortune 500 company, or a small business - there’s no difference.
The Dollar A Day Strategy will become one of the most powerful advertising tools in your repertoire.
It can be made quick and painless, saving you time to focus on other relevant aspects of your business, or even better… your family and friends.
It might sound too good to be true, but our students have shown time and time again that it works.
And it works for any industry, in any location.

The main idea is to amplify valuable content in a way that reaches exactly those people you want as clients.
This amplification is not a paid-only strategy - it’s making what you already have 10x more powerful.
It allows for adaptability and testing at a whole new level.
Why Only a Dollar a Day?
You’re not trying to reach everyone. It’s quality over quantity. Think about who you want to target as precisely as possible.
Where do they work? Where do they live? What kind of car do they drive? What TV shows do they watch? What industry conferences do they attend?
Need some PR help but can’t afford a New York PR agency for $10,000 a month? Let Facebook do the work for you, running ads that target journalists who write for the Wall Street Journal,
New York Times, Forrester, VentureBeat, Mashable, or whoever.
I want you to understand that with some ingenuity and $5 in your pocket, you can make some serious waves on Facebook.
If you’re doing B2B you can reach key players in your industry and get a proposal in front of them.
If you’re a big brand looking to scale, you can use this method with a software to reach millions of people at once.
As I said above, you can adapt it as you want, depending on your needs.
And it all starts with $1, because that’s all you need to move the needle in the right direction if your targeting is right.
The FDD method is acknowledged by Facebook!
Let me tell you about a one-of-a-kind example you’re not going to see from other course creators.
My team and I worked with the Golden State Warriors to increase their sales and raise brand awareness… and we started with Facebook for a Dollar a Day.
We had such a big success, Facebook wrote a case study about it.

That’s not bad, is it?
And it shows that it doesn’t matter how small or big your business is, this approach works.
Over the years we applied it to hundreds of businesses, including Nike and Rosetta Stone.

What You Get Out of The Course
Let’s get down to specifics… more exactly, what you get out of investing in FDD.
Well, you’ll get access to a series of videos that will take you through:
1. Content Strategy

2. Identifying Signals and Testing

3. Finding Winners and Next Steps

4. Scaling and Targeting Influencers

But that’s not all… You’ll also get a PDF guide that will go deeper into each section of the course.
You’ll discover:
- When, where and how to run ads
- What are the 4 stages of boosting posts
- How to track metrics
- What is targeting and how to do it
- How to optimize your ads
- How to use the $1 a day strategy on other platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn
And more!
You’ll understand new concepts like Stack Boosting

Generating Influence…

And understanding marketing strategy at a deeper level.

Here’s a full list of everything you’ll find inside the FDD Guide:

By the end of the course, you’ll have everything you need to run successful campaigns over multiple platforms, with the main focus going towards Facebook.
And again, you don’t need experience or knowledge to get this done, because the course takes you through everything step by step.
Plus, you get access to our community, so you can ask questions at any point in time. That way, even if you get stuck, we’ll help you out.
Who is This Not For
Look, FDD is not a silver bullet.
If you’re expecting something magical to happen after you get the course, this isn’t for you. FDD is amazing for advertising, but it’s just that.
It won’t improve your content, it won’t optimize your operations, etc.
So if your content is low-quality, if your brand is low-quality and if you don’t have an offer that interests people, it won’t work.
After all, the best traffic at the lowest price ever is not going to help if people don’t genuinely like what you have to say, or sell.
Who is This For
Anyone who wants to drive quality targeted traffic without spending thousands of dollars should get this course.
From my experience working with both small businesses and enterprise clients, this is the best method to use in order to amplify your content and get potential clients at your door.
So if you know your business has a good offer, and if you can create valuable content that can be amplified to thousands, tens of thousands, and even millions - this is what you need.
It’s going to change everything about how you see marketing.