- Use the correct version of the website’s logo (coach-yu.com uses the Coach Yu Logo, blitzmetrics.com uses the BlitzMetrics logo, etc.)
- Always clearly show the price.
- Have a 3-4 minute explanatory video. Embed public videos ( landing pages and blogs ) using Facebook or YouTube. For webinars, we can make the trailer — the 5 minute highlight summary to be on the landing page. LightSpeed VT
- Clearly state who this is for and not, what we do and don’t do ( for package landing pages ), why they should buy it (we have to show them what they’re getting– not just a few bullet points; provide actual examples)
- Show a one-pager checklist for each package we’re implementing and in the underlying courses for each package.
- Include the key diagram.
- Show an Image of the deliverable or even multiple examples.
- Place multiple testimonials on the landing page.
- Include at least 3 raving reviews.
- Have at least 6 testimonials on every landing page– more is better.
- In the CoachYuContent Library, we have hundreds of testimonials in many formats ( video, audio, text, links, tweets, etc) that we can use specifically (for one product) and generally (for any product).
- For testimonials, let’s call this section “ Social Proof”.
- Watch for weird formatting and highlighting. Look at it on mobile.
- Make sure to put a CTA checkout button that links to the shopping cart/order form.
- For product landing pages ( when we’re selling anything ), let’s make sure we have an image, show the author, and insert “ show notes” (not just a summary of key points, but showing why this training is valuable to them, who it’s for, etc. ). When we have versions of the product, explain in their respective landing pages what each version is.
- For webinars, make sure you say when it is and put in a countdown timer. When we have rich descriptions on our webinar landing pages (show notes, not transcriptions ), our SEO and sales will start to improve.
- When showing package options, best practice for these “good/better/best” landing pages is to have each option say it includes the Let’s not put the name of the landing page as the title of the page.items from the lower campaign.
- Let’s not put the name of the landing page as the title of the page.
- Landing pages usually convert better when we don’t have a topnav (like what most home pages have ). Test various components like what videos, what images, what copy performs best, too– standard stuff.