Managing Public Figure Pages


Managing a public figure page on social media can be a challenging but rewarding task. Public figures such as politicians, celebrities, athletes, and influencers have a large following and their social media presence can significantly impact their reputation and social media image. As a result, managing their online presence requires a strategic approach, including content planning, engagement with followers, and crisis management. In this digital age, a well-designed public figure page can provide a direct line of communication between the public figure and their followers, increasing their reach and influence.

How To Manage Public Figure Pages

Initial Setup

Create and use a public figure page to boost your personal brand.

Create a Content Library:

  • Use Mention, Google Alerts, CrowdTangle, and Brand24
  • Content Library Template
  • Ongoing Page Maintenance: 10 min per day by Virtual Assistant.
  • Inbox Management
  • Respond with a canned message or if you know how to help that person, assist them as needed.
  • Engagement Management


  • Like all shared posts.
  • Comment on the shared post saying “Thanks for sharing!”
  • Understand the prerequisites for building a page.
  • Be willing to produce video.
  • Have something to teach.
  • Have a long-term mindset.
  • Get the same profile picture across all platforms.
  • Go to Facebook Page Creator and start creating your page.
  • Connect to Business Manager.
  • Create a Facebook ad account.
  • Start boosting posts on Facebook using your Ad account.
  • Plumbing- Set up tracking. Content: What to post.

Positive Comments

  • If from a public figure, ask if we could quote them on that. Otherwise, reply with "Thank you!" or some other appropriate response.

  • Keep track of positive, high authority comments — add them to the content library.

Negative Comments

  • Hide all negative comments.
  • Block persistent negative comments from the same person.


  • Invite people to like the page.

Content Library updating

  • Adding positive mentions.
  • Iterating on “Greatest Hits”.
  • Adding videos to your “Current Videos” section as you upload to Youtube.