Operations Virtual Assistant
Thank you for your interest in applying to be an Operation's VA for BlitzMetrics. We are honored to have such great applicants like you!

The beauty of this job is that you can live anywhere on the planet, have a steady income for years, and continue to grow your capabilities. Perhaps even mentor and manage a team of operations specialists, if that's your inclination, or travel to our conferences around the world.
We have a lot of systems and a lot of people—all managed through:
- Basecamp.
- Skype.
- Infusionsoft.
- Google Apps.
- WordPress.
- Zoom.
- Other tools including the software we're building.
Students (via our university partnerships) are progressing through training—to qualify at each step to be certified, earning money implementing packages. So we have to track their progress, provide encouragement, and answer questions.
Businesses are going through the Strategy Assessment—to qualify to become clients buying training and implementation packages. We get a dozen new requests per day, mostly via email and social media channels.
There is no selling—these are all people coming to us for help.
Your role is to nudge folks along the way since they get stuck.
So you'd have to have strong general VA/administrative skills, but also light project management.
If you don't have every skill, that's okay—we will train you.
What we care more about is your attitude, ability to learn, and pleasure to work in a team.
- Remind them to complete a task that is overdue.
- Share an article or video on how to complete that task.
- Set them up with access in a particular system.
- Set up a GoToMeeting appointment or webinar for clients and partners.
- Apply a coupon code so they can get a discount.
- See if they're okay, if they've not done anything in Basecamp recently.
- Deboarding: remove access from various systems when clients and specialists are no longer active.
Most of the time, you'll be following up via email and Basecamp, and some of the time getting clarification with internal team members via Skype—probably 150 emails a day.
So your communication skills and reliability must be flawless. You don't have to know all the systems above—we'll train you. Your English doesn't have to be perfect, but it must be very good.
In short, your role is to make sure our projects are running smoothly—to keep following up where people forget to do something, which happens a hundred or more times per day. So you, yourself, must understand INBOX ZERO for yourself, so you can help others keep their communication frequent and reliable. You'll want to be generally available from 11 am PST to 7 pm PST, but we can be flexible with the schedule.
We have multiple virtual assistants from the Philippines—and our team in the US is so grateful for the help that we get in completing projects. We are looking for long-term relationships with team members that have excellent, reliable communication, and are willing to learn. We expect that you, like the others in our program, will level up and continue to increase their salary over time. As you're more productive, you deserve to earn more.
To apply for this job, send an email to hiring@blitzmetrics.com and answer this quiz: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe3he_FHS0SZC6CzJESmhlL_o1HY-VQvyWp0UqR5n03squCTA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Write the keyword "RABBIT" at the top of your application.
Tell us why you're a long-term player in your response and make a one minute video demonstrating why you would be a good fit for us and why you are a long term player. It can be up to 4 minutes if you'd like. Upload and paste the URL or attach the video in your message. Do not read a script, but do prepare thoughts.
We expect that you, like the others in our program, will level up and continue to increase their salary over time. As you're more productive, you deserve to earn more.
Looking forward to hearing from you and how you fit this description!
Operations VA Progression
Level 1 is a community manager.
Level 2 is content manager.
Level 3 is a project manager.
Level 4 is an account manager.
Level 5 is a people manager.
All Operations VAs start at Level 1 as community managers. As they get better and start demonstrating competency at their current level, they will level up to take on a new role as shown above.