Personal Branded Sites – Tier 1 Setup Checklist

Import the Template Theme

Install the All-In-One WP Migration plugin:

  1. Navigate to the All-In-One WP Migration -> Import page.
  2. Download the .Template Kit file from Google Drive.
  3. Click “Import From” and select “File”
  4. Select the personal-brand-template-site.wpress file you just downloaded from Google Drive.
  5. A popup progress bar will appear. A warning will appear requesting that you back the site up before proceeding with the importation process. Select “Proceed” and, once it appears, “Finish”.

Once the import is complete, check to make sure all required plugins have been installed and activated. Also, check that the correct pages and posts have been imported.

  • Plugins:
    1. Activity Log
    2. Autoptimize
    3. BlitzMetrics
    4. Spectra
    5. Link Whisper
    6. Rank Math SEO
    7. WordFence Security
    8. WP Armour Anti-Spam
    9. WP Code Lite
    10. WP Forms Lite
  • Pages:
    1. Home
    2. About
    3. Blog
    4. Gallery
    5. Contact
  • Posts:
    1. Hello, world!
    2. Hello again, world!
    3. Goodbye, world!

You will automatically be logged out when the migration is complete. Log back in with the following updated credentials and uninstall the All-In-One WP Migration plugin.

  1. Username:
  2. Password: jauFoDLbfzhy

Navigate to Users -> Add New Create your own new user account.

Install the Better Search and Replace plugin. Navigate to the search and replace page. Run the search and replace function for each of the following conditions:

  1. Find “” with clients domain and replace with the new site’s actual domain (e.g.
  2. Find “Client Name” and replace with Client’s first name and last name (e.g. Dennis Yu).
  3. Find “Client’s” and replace it with Client’s first name (e.g. Dennis’ or Daniel’s).

Deactivate and uninstall the All-In-One WP Migration and Better Search and Replace plugins.

Digital Plumbing

If you purchased a tier 2 or 3 site, a VA will execute the digital plumbing checklist which includes setting up your Google Tag Manager account. Please refer to our access checklist. Tier 1 customers can purchase the Digital Plumbing course to learn how to set up their digital plumbing themselves or contact us for information about our done-for-you EXPRESS: Digital Plumbing package.

Next, create a new search console property by navigating to and clicking the Property Selector -> Add Property

  1. Provide your site’s domain and select URL-Prefixed Property. *later versions will use the Domain Properties and DNS verification.
  2. Copy the code snippet from the verification page.
  3. In the site’s GTM container, create a new custom html tag and provide the code you just copied.
  4. Publish the changes.
  5. Finally, navigate to Search Console and click “Verify”.


Navigate to Admin -> Pages and click “Edit” to begin populating the templates with content.

Go through each page one-by-one, making sure all placeholders are replaced with your content.

Each template contains placeholders with instructions on which content to include in each section of the site.

Some sections may ask you to revise the bio by summarizing or providing a shortened version instead of the whole bio.

If the instructions are bold, make sure to remove the bold formatting on the text you provide.

If any changes are requested, implement them as needed.