Video Editing Virtual Assistant
Thank you for your interest in applying to be an Video Editing VA for BlitzMetrics. We are honored to have such great applicants like you!

We will train a Video Editing VA.
We need a creative and effective Video Editing VA who knows how to make and edit videos like these:
https://www.> https://www.> https://www.> https://www.> Confident in using Adobe Premiere and After Effects or Final Cut Pro X and Motion.
- Able to execute custom requests, new ideas that will be conveyed either in written English or with a sample video provided that they can copy.
Are you able to logically structure these videos without us giving you a detailed outline because you have studied our content on digital marketing and understand it?
Can you keep up with the volume of videos we produce and not need others to watch for misspellings, choice of inappropriate music, and basic QA?
You must not only be a video VA but study our material and be well-versed enough to come up with compelling titles and summaries. Demonstrate you can or are willing to learn how to write copy that will attract attention, get people to sign up for our courses, and fit the voice for each of our instructors.
We want a Video VA who we can mentor, but don't need to babysit.
To apply for this job, send an email to and answer this quiz:
Share us examples of your best work: videos, animations, and other related content!
Include the keyword “HEDGEHOG” in the subject line.
Tell us why you're a long-term player in your response and shoot a one minute video recording of yourself demonstrating you've read these details carefully. It can be up to 4 minutes if you'd like. You should not edit this video. Reply with the URL of the video in your message. Do not read a script, but do prepare thoughts. If you want, you can add watermark.
Please also include the links of the following:
- Screenshot of your PC/laptop specifications showing:
- - RAM: 8 GB
- Portfolio.
- Resume.
- Editing software you are using and most familiar with.
- Internet connection speed using
- One Minute Video on why are they a Team Player
- Processor: 4 cores, 8 threads
- Hard Disk Drive: 1 TB
- Monitor resolution: 1080p.
- Minimum Download speed: 20 Mbps.
- Minimum Upload speed: 20 Mbps.
We expect that you, like the others in our program, will level up and continue to increase their salary over time. As you're more productive, you deserve to earn more.
- If you have an extra PC or Laptop and back up internet connection in case of emergency.
- Background in Adobe Audition, Photoshop and Illustrator.